Saturday 14 January 2012

First Impressions

Everyone says 'Don't judge a book by its cover' and I am starting to see the truth behind that saying. Whether you're referring to an actual book, a person or even a University, your first impression doesn't necessarily count for much!

Unfortunately, you don't always get the opportunity to change someone's first impression of you, which I'm beginning to find slightly worrying as I have recently discovered that a lot of people, usually male, take a little while to really 'get me'. Many people would describe me as quite talkative and my inability to tame the chatty, excitable Katy often leads to me sounding rather ditzy.I've recently been told by a few people that Jess (played by Zooey Deschanel)in New Girl, is 'just like me'. I take this as a massive compliment because New Girl is my new favourite TV show and I think Jess is lovely but she's not exactly a character that people would desire to be like. I really see the resemblance though and the way people react to her on first meeting is reminiscent of the way many people look at me on many occasions.

I don't blame anyone for having a negative first impression of me though because I don't think it means anything in the end. If you think about the first thing you thought of people who you're friends with now then they'll probably be very different to what you think now. When I was in year 9 I sat on an English table with 4 boys and only one girl. This girl seemed lovely and very intelligent but I remember thinking to myself that it was unlikely that we'd ever be close friends because 'she was too quiet for me'. That is a ridiculous thought and surprise, surprise completely untrue. That girl is now one of my best friends, a friend for life and certainly the person who I shared the best and funniest memories of school with.

Its not only people that you have first impressions of. I have changed my mind about which university I want to go to about 10 times. Although I'm not retracting the advice I gave in one of my previous blogs about what to base your University decision on when visiting on an open day, I would like to add that you need to be open minded that things might change. I received a rejection from the uni that was my top choice at the time I applied, however I soon found a new favourite, which then changed and has now changed again. I have visited my two most recent favourites twice now and they became my favourite after the second visit so what I'm trying to say is that first impressions are unreliable and we all need to become open to developing our thoughts on a person or a place or whatever we are faced with. If we didn't then we'd probably end up unhappy and alone, so I'm no longer relying on first impressions because that's not something I want.

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